Parenting Classes

Parenting ... the hardest job on the planet, and JUST when you think you have figured it out, everything changes!
Our classes can help bring some peace and calm to your house!

For parents of children ages 12 mo. - 3 years. You'll learn why children tantrum and ways to ease the craziness and drama. Keep your cool even your your toddler isn't keeping theirs!
Included: handout and a follow-up question & answer session two weeks later

For parents of children ages 3 - 7 years. Learn how to stop yelling and create strategies that work with your child. Create Family Rules to help all members of your family work together. Teach your child natural consequences instead of using punishment.
Included: handout and a follow-up question and answer session two weeks later

For parents of children ages 8 - 12 years. Navigating this age can be tricky! Learn to disconnect emotionally and see what your child is truly asking for. Create agreements to allow your family to function more effectively. Communicate instead of yelling or dictating to get the results you AND your child want.
Included: handout and a follow-up question and answer session two weeks later

Teenage years can be so difficult to navigate - for you AND for your teen! How do you negotiate so that you BOTH get what you want? We can help! Learn how to communicate in a more positive way, to set realistic expectations and consequences, and lower the stress level a few notches!
Included: handout and follow-up question and answer session two weeks later.

This is for anyone who is anywhere in the divorce process. Divorce is stressful for everyone involved, but if both parents can provide consistent parenting it's one less stressor for a child to deal with. When everyone is on the same page with expectations and consequences life becomes predictable, and that is one of the biggest gifts you can give your child.